Në Kenia digjet stiva me armë pa leje

Ndërkohë që sot në Shqipëria u prezantua fushata për të mbledhur armët pa leje shtëpi më shtëpi në Kenia sot është djegur një stidë e madhe me armë pa leje.

Zv/ presidenti i Kenias mori pjesë në ceremoninë që u bë sot. Armët ishin vendosur në stivë disa metra e lartë dhe më pas iu vu flaka. Zv/presidenti Ëilliam Ruto tha se armët janë mbledhur për një periudhë prej 9 vitesh.

Kenia gjithashtu ka forcuar ligjin për armët dhe është tepër e vështirë për të mbajtur një licencë. Të intervistuarit fillimisht duhet t’i nënshtrohen disa intervistave dhe kontrolleve.

Megjithë masat që janë ndërmarrë qindra armë ilegale trafikohen në Kenia përmes Somalisë, fqinjit verior

Autoritetet thonë se më shumë se 500 mijë armë janë në duart e civilëve.

epa05632337 Piles of illegal firearms burn at a field in Ngong, in the outskirts of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 15 November 2016. 5,250 illegal firearms were set alight by government in an effort to stem the flow of illicit firearms in the country. Deputy President William Ruto urged civilians in possession of unlicensed guns to surrender them.  EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

Foto: Stiva me arme qe digjet ne Kenia EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

epa05632334 Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto (L) and Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery (R) inspect piles of illegal firearms before they were set alight at a field in Ngong, in the outskirts of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 15 November 2016. 5,250 illegal firearms were set alight by government in an effort to stem the flow of illicit firearms in the country. Deputy President William Ruto urged civilians in possession of unlicensed guns to surrender them.  EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

Foto: Stiva me arme qe digjet ne Kenia EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

epa05632338 Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto (L) and Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery (R) inspect piles of illegal firearms before they were set alight at a field in Ngong, in the outskirts of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 15 November 2016. 5,250 illegal firearms were set alight by government in an effort to stem the flow of illicit firearms in the country. Deputy President William Ruto urged civilians in possession of unlicensed guns to surrender them.  EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

Foto: Stiva me arme qe digjet ne Kenia EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

epa05632336 Kenya's Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery inspects piles of illegal firearms before they were set alight at a field in Ngong, in the outskirts of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 15 November 2016. 5,250 illegal firearms were set alight by government in an effort to stem the flow of illicit firearms in the country. Deputy President William Ruto urged civilians in possession of unlicensed guns to surrender them.  EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

Foto: Stiva me arme qe digjet ne Kenia EPA/DAI KUROKAWA
