Dasma/20 familje mbretërore kishin dërguar përfaqësuesit e tyre në Tiranë

 “Daily Mail” ka bërë një përmbledhje të asaj që ndodhi në Tiranë duke theksuar se kjo ishte e para dasmë mbretërore që nga rënia e komunizmit.

“20 familje mbretërore nga e gjithë bota kishin dërguar përfaqësuesit e tyre në Tiranë. Mbretëresha Elisabetë II kishte dërguar princin Michael të Kent, kushëri i parë i saj. Të tjera figura të rëndësishme ishin princesha Léa e Belgjikës, mbretëresha Sofía e Spanjës” –shkruan britanikja.

Më pas bëhet një histori e familjes mbretërore shqiptare që nga largimi nga vendi në vitin 1939, ardhja e komunistëve në pushtet dhe shpallja e tyre si tradhtarë.

I do! King Leka II married longtime fiancee Elia Zaharia in a ceremony in Tirana on Saturday. It was the country's second royal wedding

The happy couple. King Leka II was born in 1982 and spent the bulk of his childhood in South Africa. He returned to Albania at the age 20 and has held advisory positions at the foreign ministry and presidency

Actress, Elia, was born in February 1983 to artists George Zaharia and Yllka Mujo. She graduated from the National Art School in Tirana in 2002 and moved to Paris in 2002 to pursue her studies where she met Prince Leka. She graduated from the National Conservatory of Bordeaux in 2005

Over 20 royal families and more than 100 aristocrats from all across the world over attended the opulent event in Tirana

Prince Leka is the grandson of King Zog I, who ruled the for just ten years from 1928 until 1939. His parents are Leka, Crown Prince of Albania (of King Leka I of Albania) and Australian born Susan Cullen-Ward

His father was just a few days old when the family was exiled from Albania due to the Italian invasion 

The king went to school at 'St Peter¿s College in Johannesburg and also graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy in 2006, where he was declared the best foreign student of the Academy,' according to Royal Central 

King Leka II spends his time managing his family¿s properties and the Queen Geraldine foundation, which supports poor families, orphans and children in need. He also advises Albania's president Bujar Nishani

The well educated king speaks Albanian, English, Italian and some Zulu. He and his wife live in Tirana

The newly weds with Areola Xoxa and her husband Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj smile for a picture after the wedding ceremony 

'King Zog was born Ahmet Muhtar Zogolli in the village of Burgajet, near Burrel in northern Albania on October 8, 1895. He later changed his surname to Zogu,' according to Balkan Insight

Zog became president in 1924 until 1928, after a stint as prime minister, and in 1928 appointed himself king of the Balkan state 

Dashing couple. Zog remained king until April 1939, then lived in exile until his death in Paris on April 9, 1961. His son King Leka I passed away in 2011, leaving Prince Leka II the sole heir to the Albanian crown

The royal family has no special status or official role today, but its members are invited to participate in state ceremonies