Rama and Nikolla inspect security measures in the National Agency of Examination

 portal ”Mësues për Shqipërinë” (Teachers for Albania).

This innovation is being implemented in the framework of establishing of a new system the subject of which is on quality, transparency and meritocracy. Minister Nikolla said that corruption is being addressed properly through a healthy system, which brings back the teacher’s authority, implementing stronger administrative and testing criteria.

“This is a new recruiting system in education, a system which i believe brings back meritocracy, but what is more important ia the fact that this is a healthy system and a strong argument against corruption regarding the appointing of teachers”, voiced Nikolla.

Minister Nikolla said that 8100 teacher have sent applications to the portal and all of them will be tested in 12 districts of the country.

At least 30 experts were engaged at the National Agency of Examination to draft the test, operation that is being carried in the premises of the agency under strict camera supervision and with no communications with outsiders or access to internet or mobile telephone devices.

“These test will undergo a mechanical correcting procedure, therefore the human element part is left out of the tests’ correcting process. As a result credibility in the process is absolute”, stated the minister./