Këto janë njerëzit më të çuditshëm që mund të gjeni në palestër (FOTO)

Palestra mund të jetë një vend i sikletshëm për ata që vijnë për herë të parë për t’u ushtruar.

Personat më poshtë, kanë bërë mjaftueshëm për të tërhequr vëmendjen e të tjerëve, qoftë me veshjet apo me mënyrën si i bëjnë ushtrimet.

Njerëzit në mbarë botën kanë publikuar fotot që i janë dukur të çuditshme në rrjetet sociale, dhe më pas ato janë bërë virale.

Some very questionable gym gear: This man tucked a laptop down the back of his trousersThat's not going to burn any calories: This person brought a chair to the treadmillWhoops! This woman suffered a wardrobe malfunction while working hard on the treadmillTime for a snack: This woman stopped for an ice cream while people worked out around herPointless: This unmotivated man enjoyed a coffee break while he did his workoutSharing is caring: These weight lifters did their workouts together with a little help with a female companionA helping hand: This man needed a little help to reach his exercise machine of choiceThat doesn't look safe: This gym bunny had his own unique way of exercisingGiving up: Going to the gym is hard work as this exhausted looking man found outWhere are her trainers? This glamorous gym goer wore heels to lift some weightsShow off: This muscular man wanted to be the centre of attention at his gym