Corruption remains a major problem for the Balkans

Corruption remains a major problem for the countries of Eastern Europe, as shown by the results of research on "regional anti corruption Report: Assessment of corruption and anti-corruption in Southeast Europe", which was published on Friday in Skopje.

In the report which includes nine countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro; is the fact that Macedonia is one of the three countries of the region in which most citizens have been subjected to corruption or to give and take bribes whenever they need to.

The report shows that Macedonia, together with Albania is less successful compared with other regional countries in implementing anti-corruption policies.

Referring to the report, 45% of the respondents in Macedonia said that they were corrupted through various forms, while among countries, the higher percentages have Montenegro and Albania with 47% and 51%, while the lowest Croatia with 23% and Bosnia and Herzegovina with 19%.