Një shpjegim në anglisht për 30 qershorin e Ramës dhe monizmin
Presidenti Ilir Meta ka publikuar në adresën zyrtare në Twitter mesazhin e tij për qytetarët dhe procesin e votimit më 30 qershor.
Kreu i shtetit ka zgjedhur që publikimin e tij ta bëjë në anglisht duke ripostuar edhe videon që tregon për mënyrën sesi bëheshin votimet gjatë kohës së komunizmit në Shqipëroi, me 1 kandidat.
Publikimi në anglisht duket se është dhe mënyrë për t’u treguar ndërkombëtarëve që kanë problem me përkthimin, se çfarë po ndodhë realisht në Shqipëri.
#GoodDay dear #citizens! Since yesterday, the #constitutional date of the local #elections is October #13, 2019. This situation is clear, & #legally & #constitutionally undisputable. Nevertheless, #PrimeMinister is insisting to proceed w/ #socialist #voting on June 30, 2019. 1/5
— Ilir Meta (@ilirmetazyrtar) June 28, 2019
I #advise you to take it with #tranquility and #wisdom, and not #become prey of #provocations, because they serve only those who want to #legitimize total state #capture and the #installation of a one-party #regime. 2/5
— Ilir Meta (@ilirmetazyrtar) June 28, 2019
Show respect & don't confront those fellow citizens who will go to this #SocialistVoting. #Confrontation & #violence does not serve 🇦🇱 & its🇪🇺future & #especially our civic coexistence in every family, in each neighborhood, in every village & community&in our entire society. 3/5
— Ilir Meta (@ilirmetazyrtar) June 28, 2019
Do not be distressed from #provocations that will guide you towards #violence. Maybe I am exaggerating, but in order to fully enjoy the #SocialistVoting & to #return even for a single day to that 45-year period, accompany them w/ tambourines & drums, just as once upon a time. 4/5
— Ilir Meta (@ilirmetazyrtar) June 28, 2019
They will #vote on their own, they will count on their own. #Albanians altogether will #elect only on #October13 2019 in a #democratic, secret, free+fair manner. I invite you to watch this📽to relieve even for a brief moment the distress on the eve of this interesting weekend.5/5 pic.twitter.com/jsXp4qDOOf
— Ilir Meta (@ilirmetazyrtar) June 28, 2019